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Thursday, March 15, 2012

Wake up and smell the Coffee

   Our blogging theme this week at ESN is Breakfast! We have a great vinyl wall decal that fits right in with this theme, our Vinyl Wall Decal Best part of Waking Up. This is perfect for all the coffee drinkers out there and some of you might even remember a Folgers Coffee commercial jingle - The best part of waking up is Folgers in your cup.  I was just a kid when that commercial was playing but I still remember it well. Feel free to stop by our store, Walls That Talk, to see our pre-designed vinyl wall quotes and remember that if you don't find what you are looking for - We customize!


  1. This is such a well-done piece. Very balanced. Starbucks should be calling you any time now!

  2. Really cool blog. Like how you mentioned the Folgers commercial.

  3. I remember the Folgers commercial so well, I could even smell the coffee while reading your blog!
