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Tuesday, January 10, 2012

True Beauty

I just love this wall quote "True beauty comes from within." I think with this day and age of everyone trying to look beautiful on the outside, actresses doing plastic surgery to be beautiful, one should remember that doing beautiful actions will make you feel more wonderful inside than any cosmetic applications you don. Even small acts of kindness, helping someone in need, brings out the beauty in YOU.

Vinyl Wall Words Quotes Decals Art True Beauty


  1. This quote is oh so true and something that we we often forget. I can remember my mother telling me this when I was a kid that True Beauty shines from within and tells the truth about what you really are.

  2. How True! Here in the south you often hear "Now don't be ugly" or some such. We are often reminded that, as Mama used to say, "Pretty is as pretty does". Love your wall art and sayings.

  3. When I was little my grandmother used to say, "Now you be pretty." I thot she was a little daff! How can you BE pretty. I thot you either were or you weren't. I had to really meditate on her words to finally 'get it.' This wall art really expresses that sentiment simply. Just think what the world would be like if everyone thot of that just saying once in a while.

  4. We were discussing inner beauty this afternoon. Your wall quote says it much better.

  5. Outstanding design - it would be perfect on a mirror :D
